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Re: Is there a RM_TILDE_WAIT?

On Jan 27,  1:18pm, Florian Hofmann wrote:
} I know this probably happen doesn't happen often (at least this is the
} first time I did this in 10+ years of Linux usage), but to prevent this
} from happening "rm -rf ~" just trigger the the same prompt as "rm -rf *",
} shouldn't it?

The warning on "*" happens when it appears anywhere in the argument list
where "rm" is the command word.  I mention this just in case what you
really want is a delay when the -r and -f options are used together.

The latter can easily be done with a function; the only magic part of
RM_STAR_WAIT is that it tests the command line before globbing has a
chance to expand the "*".  Similarly a function can test whether any
of the arguments is $HOME without needing to know that it was expanded
from a tilde.

Here is such a function.  I'm sure you can see how to tweak it to your
liking, e.g., it could detect -i/--interactive and skip the prompt, etc.

For those pedantic types who would point out that this might prompt as
a result of files named with a leading hyphen, I'll just note that the
scan done by the internal RM_STAR handling is no more sophisticated.

rm() {
  integer i f r h
  for ((i = 1; i <= ARGC; ++i)) do
    if [[ $argv[i] = $HOME ]]
    then ((h++))
    elif [[ $argv[i] != --* ]]
      [[ $argv[i] = -*r* ]] && ((r++))
      [[ $argv[i] = -*f* ]] && ((f++))
      [[ $argv[i] = --recursive ]] && ((r++))
      [[ $argv[i] = --force ]] && ((f++))

  if (( r && f && h )) && [[ -o RM_STAR_WAIT ]]
    print -u2 "zsh: sure you want to recursively delete $HOME ?"
    print -u2 "(waiting ten seconds)"
    sleep 10
    read -q '? [y/n]?' || return 1

  command rm "$@"

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