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Re: Automatically checking mail

On Tue, 25 Jul 1995 15:31:06 -0600  Rodger Anderson wrote:
> I've been using zsh MAILPATH to check various files for quite some
> time now, and have had no problems with it.  Here is the relevant
> portion of my .zprofile file:
> # How often to check for mail, and where to check.
> MAIL=$HOME/Mail/inbox/mbox
> MAILPATH="$MAIL?You have new mail"
> MAILPATH="$MAILPATH:/usr/mail/?Someone has mail in /usr/mail/"
> MAILPATH="$MAILPATH:$HOME/dead.letter?You have a dead letter"
> MAILPATH="$MAILPATH:/tmp/post.messages?You have a post note"
Hmmm...  this works.  I think I've found a bug in 2.5.03, actually: if
the first element in the MAILPATH is a directory, mailchecking doesn't
work.  With the following, I'm never notified of any mail in my MH

condor,18:34,500% set | grep MAIL                                           [~]
MAILPATH=/home/eisenbud/MH/inbox?You have new mail in $_.:/home/eisenbud/MH/staf
f?You have new mail in $_.:/home/eisenbud/MH/postmaster?You have new mail in $_.
:/home/eisenbud/MH/bugtraq?You have new mail in $_.

But with the following (.mail is a file, the rest are directories) it
does work.  The only thing that's been changed is the MAILPATH, and
there's never any mail going to .mail.  Kinda weird.  It seems very

condor,18:34,502% set | grep MAIL                                           [~]
MAILPATH=/home/eisenbud/.mail?You have new mail in $_.:/home/eisenbud/MH/inbox?Y
ou have new mail in $_.:/home/eisenbud/MH/staff?You have new mail in $_.:/home/e
isenbud/MH/postmaster?You have new mail in $_.:/home/eisenbud/MH/bugtraq?You hav
e new mail in $_.

-Dan Eisenbud

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