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Re: zsh-2.6-beta11, problem with key bindings

>I'm not on your list, but if my message goes through, please note
>that key bindings appears to be screwed up in beta11. All control 
>keys (for example, ^E, ^A) no longer work in command line editing 
>when in "vi" mode (bindkey -v). When control key is pressed, it 
>simply gets echoed to the screen. I don't think that this change
>in behavior was intentional (at least I hope so).

This is intentional.  In vi, ^E and ^A are not special characters, so
in ZLE they are bound to self-insert.  If you want them to do something
other than the default, you can change their bindings using the bindkey
command.  If you want emacs-style editing, use "bindkey -e".


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