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'print -s' in a function

VERSION: zsh2.6beta13

So, I'm trying the following:

function fed() {
  # Allows for the editing of functions in memory

  if [[$# -ne 1]]; then
    echo "usage: $0 function"
    return 1

  local i

  if autoload | grep " $1 " >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    for i in "$fpath[@]"; do
      if [[-f $fpath[1]/$1]]; then
        eval "`echo \"function $1() {\"; <$fpath[1]/$1;
               echo \}`"

  builtin print -s "function `which $1`"

  # Replace the previous line with the next line to see what's intended
  #builtin print -z fc

If you try running this, such as running:
      fed fed
you'll notice that what shows up in your editor
is "fed fed" instead of the contents of fed.

The problem is that the history doesn't get updated right
away after the 'print -s' line.  Why?  Could this be a bug?

- Huy

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