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Re: .zshenv file syntax: spanning lines with comments

On Aug 8,  7:22pm, Benjamin Drago wrote:
} Subject: .zshenv file syntax: spanning lines with comments
} current version:
} export PATH=/home/$USER/bin/$OSTYPE:/home/$USER/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/gnu/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/vol/local/$OSTYPE/bin
} what I would like to do:
} export PATH=/home/$USER/bin/$OSTYPE:		# arch dependent binaries
} 	/home/$USER/bin:			# arch independent scripts
} 	/usr/local/bin:				# local apps
} 	/opt/gnu/bin:				# gnu tools
} 	...

Why are you using `/home/$USER' instead of `~' ?

How about this:

----- snip ----- 8< ---- snip -----

setopt magic_equal_subst		# for `export foo=~/bar`
function export() { EXPORT=${1%%\=*} ; typeset -Ux $* }
function +() { eval builtin export ${EXPORT}=\$\{$EXPORT\}:\$1 }

export PATH=/home/$USER/bin/$OSTYPE	# arch dependent binaries
	+	/home/$USER/bin		# arch independent scripts
	+	/usr/local/bin		# local apps
	+	/opt/gnu/bin		# gnu tools
	+	...

unfunction export +

----- snip ----- 8< ---- snip -----

Now you can even do stuff like:

export PATH=~/bin/$OSTYPE		# arch dependent binaries
	+	~/bin			# arch independent scripts
				    case $OSTYPE in
	+	$OPENWINHOME/bin	# openwindows applications
	+	/usr/ccs/bin		# compiler tools
	+	/opt/bin		# optional packages
	+	/usr/bin/X11		# X11 applications
	+	/usr/local/bin		# local apps
	+	/opt/gnu/bin		# gnu tools
	+	...

I like that so much I might even rewrite my own .zshenv ...

Bart Schaefer                             Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts            http://www.nbn.com/people/lantern

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>N  2 Justin William Schaefer  Sat May 11 03:43  53/4040  "Happy Birthday"

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