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I have been playing with compctl and have a question regarding the -l
option.  I have a simple command that allows me to run other commands as
root (or any other user).  99% of the time, I run it something like

	sys [-u <user>] cmd <cmd options/args/...>

I have the following comctl for it and it works pretty well:

compctl  -x 'p[1] s[-u]' -u - \
            'p[2] w[1,-u]' -u - \
            'p[1]' -c - \
            'p[2] W[1,-u*]' -c - \
            'p[3] w[1,-u]' -c \
            -- sys

The problem is that I would like smart completion on the command that
is passed in to sys.  I tried with some success to use the -l option:

compctl  -x 'p[1] s[-u]' -u - \
            'p[2] w[1,-u]' -u - \
            'p[1]' -c - \
            'p[2] W[1,-u*]' -c - \
            'p[3] w[1,-u]' -c - \
            'W[-1,*]' -l '' \
            -- sys

This also works most of the time.  It starts to get confused with
things like

	sys -u root exec ...


	exec sys -u root ...

This may be too much to ask.  It's no big deal, but I am curious
about it.

Any thoughts?

Julio Garcia - julio@xxxxxxxxx - http://spyder.fc.hp.com/julio/
	     - (970) 229-3168  - FAX (970) 229-7182

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