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CTRL-C exits my shell!


	I'm using zsh 3.0.0 on Linux, and I have some problems with
it.  When I issue a CTRL-C at the shell prompt, zsh quits and returns
to the login prompt when I'm at the console, and close the xterm
window when under X.  I compiled the same zsh on Solaris, and I have
no such problems.

	Is there a cure for this ?


PS: stats:  Linux 2.0.20/Redhat 3.0.4 distribution
	    Solaris 2.5 running on UltraSPARC 140 machine.

// d a v i d  l e b e l  <lebel@xxxxxxxxx>       http://superdave.socom.com/
// analyst / system administrator / hacker          socom technologies, inc.

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