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Re: twiddle-number problem?

On Sep 26,  2:11pm, Zefram wrote:
} Subject: Re: twiddle-number problem?
} >Can anyone explain how I can get tilde-user completion to
} >handle usernames starting with numbers?  On SGIs, there's
} >a default user called "4Dgifts" that contains nice source
} >code examples and other goodies.
} *sigh*
} When I proposed using ~<number> instead of =<number> for the directory
} stack, I assumed that no one would be perverse enough to have a
} username start with a digit or punctuation character.

What, you've never seen AOL and MCImail and CompuServe usernames in your
email?  There are many thousands, if not millions, of such perversities.

This can't be *that* hard to fix in a reasonable manner.  If you assume
that nobody is going to have a username consisting *entirely* of digits,
and you further assume that nobody is going to have a directory stack more
than 99 (or 999 if you're paranoid) directories deep, you can do a really
fast test to determine whether something beginning with ~<number> is a
directory stack reference or a username.

zagzig<2> echo ~5
zagzig<3> echo ~3
zagzig<4> echo ~4DGifts
zsh: no such user or named directory: 4DGifts

I can't find anything that the following patch breaks (except a directory
stack 1000+ levels deep).  Can anyone else?

*** Src/subst.c.0	Mon Sep 23 22:04:54 1996
--- Src/subst.c	Thu Sep 26 10:13:40 1996
*** 344,350 ****
  	} else if (str[1] == '-' && idigit(str[2])) {   /* ~-42 */
  	    goto dstack;
! 	} else if (idigit(str[1])) {   /* ~42 */
  	    char *ds, *ptr;
  	    int val;
--- 344,355 ----
  	} else if (str[1] == '-' && idigit(str[2])) {   /* ~-42 */
  	    goto dstack;
! 	} else if (idigit(str[1]) &&   			/* ~42 */
! 		   (isend(str[2]) ||
! 		    (idigit(str[2]) &&
! 		     (isend(str[3]) ||
! 		      (idigit(str[3]) &&
! 		       isend(str[4]))))) {
  	    char *ds, *ptr;
  	    int val;

Bart Schaefer                             Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts            http://www.nbn.com/people/lantern

New male in /home/schaefer:
>N  2 Justin William Schaefer  Sat May 11 03:43  53/4040  "Happy Birthday"

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