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bug with **/ syntax?

I'm trying to get the behavior of ksh's */, which according to the zsh
man page, looks like you should use **/ to get that behavior.  To me it
looks like **/ is really acting like ***/.

Examples below.

So is this a bug or am I not reading the man page correctly?



sassy:ftp/glimpse-4.0.src> ls -F
CHANGES            Makefile.orig      communicate.c      glimpseindex.1
CONTRIBUTIONS      Makefile.rs6000    compress/          glimpseserver.1
COPYRIGHT          Makefile.sgi       configure*         index/
Makefile           Makefile.solaris   configure.in       install-sh*
Makefile.NeXT      Makefile.sunos     defs.h             lib/
Makefile.alpha     README             get_filename.c     libtemplate/
Makefile.hp        README.install     get_index.c        main.c
Makefile.in        agrep/             glimpse.1          mkinstalldirs*
Makefile.linux     bin/               glimpse.chronicle  split.c

sassy:ftp/glimpse-4.0.src> ksh -c 'ls -d */' 
agrep/        compress/     lib/
bin/          index/        libtemplate/

[this next example is the alleged bug, it shouldn't show the directories
under libtemplate --matthew]

sassy:ftp/glimpse-4.0.src> \ls -d **/    
agrep/                 lib/                   libtemplate/template/
bin/                   libtemplate/           libtemplate/util/
compress/              libtemplate/include/
index/                 libtemplate/lib/

sassy:ftp/glimpse-4.0.src> \ls -d ***/
agrep/                 lib/                   libtemplate/template/
bin/                   libtemplate/           libtemplate/util/
compress/              libtemplate/include/
index/                 libtemplate/lib/

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