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Re: zsh-3.0.2 released

I have been happily using this with zsh 2.6

for i in `/bin/ls -1 $ZDOTDIR`
        echo -n "Sourcing $i... "

        # source the file
        source "$ZDOTDIR/$i"

        # set up variables using the filenames
        echo "done"

I put several files in $ZDOTDIR which I want to be sourced, this  
gets them all.

When I try it with zsh.3.x (even 3.0.2) I get this:

.zshenv: no such file or directory:  
bindkeys=/home/luomat/Unix/zsh/source//bindkeys [91]

what gives?


Tj Luoma (luomat@xxxxxxxx) / http://www.next.peak.org/~luomat
	*** I will be out of town from Dec 19th - Dec 31st ***

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