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Re: problem with bold prompt

<This is a problem I've been fighting with for a long time, and which I only
<recently began to grasp, when it got worse after I upgraded from 2.5.03 to
<3.0.2. :) 
<My prompt is defined as:
<	export PS1="^[[1m${HOSTNAME}:^[[m%d) "
<so that it appears as:
<	rom:/home/willday)
<where the "rom" is bold.

Interesting.  This is the string that I use to set all of the line to bold:

if [[ vt102 = $TERM ]]
then export PROMPT="%{^[[1m%}$HOST.BRN <%h> %{^[[0m%}"
else export PROMPT="$HOST.BRN <%h> "

I have no problem on the old zsh and zsh 3.1.  So far the cursor has ended
up where it belongs.

BTW, the ^[ is a real ESC character in the file.

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