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Re: strange behaviour with .zsh and su

On Apr 14 97, Timothy Luoma <luomat@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ZSH has a workaround.  Put whatever you want only for interactive inside
> this:
> if [[ -o interactive ]]                 # if an interactive shell
> then
> fi

That's good and useful to know. Thanks.

On Apr 15 97, gwing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <gwing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. I hope you are using ZDOTDIR, not ZSHDOTDIR

ZDOTDIR actually, sorry for the typo.

> 2. /etc/zprofile isn't sourced unless you're in a login shell.  Put your
>    ZDOTDIR stuff in /etc/zshenv - that's the only file that can be guaranteed
>    to be read for each instance.

Yes but when you 'su' shouldn't it be a login shell you land in? (Even
though the full environment isn't present as in 'su -l') If so the
/etc/zprofile should be sourced..

> I don't understand your full situation.  Eg. where do your startup files
> reside and where do root's?  You seem to be implying that if you're in a 

I moved the startup files in $HOME/.zsh for each user (including root).

> directory, say /foo , then when you su the startup files are in
> /foo/.zsh  but if you cd to /bar  then when you su the startup files

You are right, I understand now: my 'ZDOTDIR=.zsh' was wrong, as Zefram
also suggested. The correct entry is 'export ZDOTDIR=~/.zsh'. 

Thanks for your help.

     Louis-David Mitterrand

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