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Re: multiple background jobs of the same program

It would appear that on Sun, Sep 14, 1997 at 12:10:42PM -0700, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> On Sep 14, 10:28am, Adam R. Paul wrote:
> } Subject: Re: multiple background jobs of the same program
> }
> } setopt interactive_comments
> } 
> } listjobs() {
> } jobs > /tmp/._zshjobcomp.$$ 2>&1
> } set -A reply
> } OIFS="$IFS"
> } IFS='
> } '
> } reply=( $(sed -e '{
> } s/.\(....\).............\(.*\)/\1 # \2/g
> } s/\]//g
> } s/  */ /g
> } }' /tmp/._zshjobcomp.$$) )
> } IFS="$OIFS"
> } }
> } 
> } compctl -P % -K listjobs fg
> } 
> } The only problem is that zsh is escaping the spaces & #'s that result
> Change it to
> 	compctl -Q -P % -K listjobs fg
> } Also, I don't really want 
> } interactive_comments set all the time
> Replace the `#' with `;:'.  This works best if you have menu completion
> so that the `;' isn't interpreted as a command separator until after you
> have a chance to cycle through all the possibilities.

Hmm, it doesn't appear to work at all unless menu_complete is set :(  
'fg <tab>' yields 'fg %' and no number of tabs causes it to complete anything,
which is unfortunate, as I don't like menu_complete personally - I prefer
to have completion complete as far as is unambiguous, auto-list the completions
and then do menu completion if <tab> is pressed after that.  I think the
options that I use to do this are autolist and list_ambiguous ( but not
> } Any improvements?
> Either remove the temp file or use >| so `setopt clobber' isn't needed.

I'd love to not use a temp file, but it appears that piping 'jobs' output
through anything results in the RHS of the pipe getting nothing whatsoever (ie.
'jobs | cat' produces nothing at all, 'jobs | echo' produces just a newline).
It'd be nice if there was another way to do this - I also have the somewhat

precmd() {
	jobs > /tmp/.zsh_jobs.$$
	psvar=$(wc -l < /tmp/.zsh_jobs.$$ | tr -d ' ')


to get the number of jobs in my prompt.
> You don't need `set -A reply'.

True, dunno why I had that in there :)

> Don't change IFS, use "${(@f)...}" to interpret each line as a word.

Ah, most excellent!  I'll have to tweak a few other compctls I have to
use that (and read up on that construct in the man page:)

> Have listjobs insert the leading % instead of using -P, and use -U to
> cause the line so far to be replaced by the completion.   Then when there
> are no possible completions (no jobs), nothing gets inserted.  (Your
> original inserts "% " when there are no jobs.)
> Do the completion for `bg' and `kill', too.

Naturally.  That was my intention once I got it working the way I wanted

> } I suspect that the sed bit could be replaced by some neato
> } zsh internal parameter mangling stuff
> Since you're doing several substitutions and already reading from a file,
> I don't think that's worth it.
> Finished product:
> listjobs() {
>   jobs >| /tmp/._zshjobcomp.$$ 2>&1
>   reply=( "${(@f)$(sed -e '{
>     s/.\(....\).............\(.*\)/%\1 ;: \2/g
>     s/\]//g
>     s/  */ /g
>     }' /tmp/._zshjobcomp.$$)}" )
> }
> compctl -U -Q -K listjobs fg bg kill

Thanks very much!  Now if I can only get it to work without having 
menu_complete set, I'll be one happier camper ;-)


Adam R. Paul    - adamp@xxxxxxx 
SCO Engineering - from std import disclaimer

Pdro.  Aunagl gyeaoi tuthshaothyi iafhthath iagcha.  

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