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zsh script wipes out my PROMPT and RPROMPT

This script wipes out the PROMPT and RPROMPT

This is for zsh 3.0.5 (both the script and my login shell)

#!/usr/local/bin/zsh -f


TIME=`date +"%s"`

NAME=`basename $0`


netstat -n 				|\
	fgrep ESTABLISHED 		|\
	fgrep -v ''		|\
	awk '{print $4"\t\t"$5}' > $FILE

LINES=`wc -l $FILE | awk '{print $1}'`

for i in {1..$LINES}; do

	INFO=`cat -n $FILE |\
		sed 's/ *//g' |\
			grep -w "^$i" |\
				awk '{print $2" "$3}'`
	echo "Line $i: $INFO"	


echo "Here is the file:"
cat $FILE

rm -f $FILE

exit 0

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