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Re: Completion on cd

On Jan 27,  5:35pm, lovell@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I don't have a comment on the suggestion, just my compctl setting for getting
> .<dir>'s to show up:
>   # cd/pushd only directories or symbolic links to directories.  If none of those
>   # match, resort to shell variables
>   compctl -g '*(-/)' + -g '.*(-/)' -v cd pushd rmdir    

This is roughly what I use but the annoying thing is that it only works
properly for the first level of directories:

from my home:

cd [tab]
-- all non directories listed - good.
cd .[tab]
-- all hidden directories listed
cd .netscape/[tab]
-- all of the *files* and directories in my .netscape directory listed.

This is one of the main things I miss from tcsh. I'm hoping those recent
patches have sorted this one out but I haven't yet compiled that version
of zsh.

Oliver Kiddle

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