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Re: vi command line editing

Stephen Marley wrote:
>Why are you being so pedantic?  Should I have said `input' rather than
>`insert'?  Why is it then that if I do :se showmode it says `insert'?
>What's wrong with saying movement doesn't `work'?
>What terminology could I have used that wouldn't have irked you? 

Sorry, I didn't mean it to be taken as a complaint.  While there can
be said to be an insert mode, it is an input-reading mode, not really
comparable to the command mode.  Movement *can't* work in insert mode,
because the insert mode is merely where a long command argument is
being read.  The versions of vi that I've seen map arrow keys in insert
mode to "^[ka" and so on, which of course doesn't work with repeat counts.


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