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Re: bindkey -s question

I would like a prompt, with parts that only shows when i'm editing the
command, like the mode line in emacs. Is this possible to have in zsh
without heavy modification of the source?

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|mistel% echo $PWD                                               |
|/home/mirar                                                     |
|mistel% last | head -2                                          |
|per   ttyp9  Thu Apr 23 14:38 - 16:20  (01:42)|
|js    ttyq2  Mon Apr 20 19:50 - 23:00  (03:10)|
|mistel% ps | grep washuu                                        |
| 1540  p2 S    4:56 pike xwashuu.pike                           |
| 5706  p1 D    0:00 grep washuu                                 |
|mistel% cat /proc/meminfo | wc                                  |
|     10      38     319                                         |
|--**-zsh: mistel: ~/ ------------------------(Cmd)--14:01--L12--|
|% _								 |


Idonex AB               Telefon      Telefax      nalle
Skolgatan 10		013-376814   013-376801   0708-376867
582 35 Linköping        mirar@xxxxxxxxx           http://www.idonex.se/

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