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Re: zsh vs. ksh coproc redirection semantics

Let me quote the ksh manual:

       <&digit       The standard input is duplicated  from  file
                     descriptor  digit  (see  dup(2)).  Similarly
                     for the standard output using >&digit.

       <&digit-      The file descriptor given by digit is  moved
                     to  standard input.  Similarly for the stan­
                     dard output using >&digit-.

       <&-           The standard input is closed.  Similarly for
                     the standard output using >&-.

       <&p           The  input  from  the co-process is moved to
                     standard input.

       >&p           The output to the  co-process  is  moved  to
                     standard output.

Zsh lack the <&digit- feature.  Note the difference between &digit and
&p: &digit duplicates the file descriptor while &p moves it.  All of
these manipulate the descriptos of the shell, since once the coprocess is
started, it is a separate process, the shell does not have much control
over it.  The shell keeps two descriptors, one write-only descriptor
which is connectred to the input of the coprocess, and one read-only
descriptor which is connected to the output of the coprocess.

>&p moves the write descriptor, which writes to the co-process to
standard output.  So in ksh (at least in pdksh and in ksh93) you can do

echo foo >&p

>&p itself does not close the write descriptor, but when the command
whose output was redirected terminates, it brings down its file
descriptors, which closes the last output to the coprocess.  echo is a
bad example here, since it is a builtin, so it is handled specially.


read <&p

moves the descriptor which reads from the coprocessor output to the
standard input, and when read terminates, its input is closes, which
closes the coprocess output.

Now that's theory, the practice is not that good.  It seems that both
ksh93 and pdksh has a buggy coprocess implementation (the most recent
pdksh may have a fix, I used one dated April 1996).  Before the coprocess
starts, two pipes are created, which means four file descriptors.  The
shell forks then:

ipipe[0] - the read descriptor for the parent handled by <&p and read -p
           closed in the child
ipipe[1] - the output of the coprocess in the child
           closed by the parent. ksh does not, zsh does close it
opipe[0] - the input of the coprocess in the child
           closed by the parent. ksh does, zsh does not close it
opipe[1] - the write descriptor for the parent handled by >&p and print -p
           closed by the child

Ksh above stands for both ksh93 and pdksh.

Zsh duplicates the descriptor on >&p and <&p unlike ksh which moves it.

echo foo >&p

On ksh this should move the write descriptor.  pdksh does the move.
ksh93 duplicates the descriptor instead of closing it, and then forgets
about it, so on ksh93 it is impossible to close the output to the
coprocess (opipe[1] above) after this.

read <&p

Both ksh93 and pdksh moves ipipe[1] (which is wrong).

Example ksh session (how it is supposed to work):

% pdksh
$ tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' |&
[1] 2330
$ echo foo >&p
[1] + Done                 tr a-z A-Z 
$ read <&p
$ echo $REPLY

This actually works on Linux with pdksh, but ls -l /proc/pid/fd when pid
is the PID of pdksh reveals the unclosed descriptors.

To fix the descriptor leak in zsh it is probably enough to add a
zclose(opipe[0]) right after the zclose(ipipe[1]) in exec.c near line
753.  I think it whould be preferable to modify zsh to match the
documented ksh behavior, i.e. moving the descriptor instead of
duplicating it.

Bart wrote:
> On May 6, 12:47pm, Bernd Eggink wrote:
> } In ksh, the connection is done by 'read -p' and 'print -p'. You can't
> } say "print foo >&p" or "read bar <&p", whereas in zsh you can say either

You can do it in ksh too.

> } "print -p foo" or "print foo >&p". What I meant by "inconsistency" is
> } that in zsh >& and <& mean different things, depending on whether a 'p'
> } or a digit follows.

In fact, zsh is consistent, ksh isn't, since zsh always duplicates
decriptors which ksh moves them then p is used.

> descriptor 3.  3>&p means copy the shell's coproc output to descriptor
> 3.  3<&0 means copy the shell's standard input to 3.  3<&p means copy the
> shell's coproc input to 3 (not move the coproc's input to 3).

That's correct provided that the term `shell's coproc output' means `the
shells output to the input of the coprocess' and the term `shell's coproc
input' menad `the shell's input from the output of the coprocess'.

> Ksh, on the other hand, appears to treat <&p as "the coproc end of the
> two-way pipe" and >&p as "the ksh end of the two-way pipe".  This isn't
> the same as other descriptors, but then other descriptors aren't pipes.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here.  Looks like you are
confused about terms.  The pipe is a virtual special file (virtual in a
sense that it does not exists on any filesystem).  The pipe system call
creates this virtual fifo device, and opens two file descriptors, one
reading it and one writing it.  You can imagine that you are using a real
named fifo in /tmp, and instead of pipe, you do an mkfifo and two opens.
There is no real two-way pipe here, only two one-way pipe.  The coproc is
a separate process, and the shell has no control over its descriptors.
But when the shell closes its output to the coprocess, the coprocess
may notice an eof on its stdin and may chose to exit.

> close both 3 and p?  In ksh, if you do
> 	exec 4>&p
> can you later do
> 	exec 5>&p
> and end up having both 4 and 5 connected to the coproc pipe at the same
> time?  My guess is that you can't -- that once you've done 4>&p, then p
> is gone and you can't do 5>&p.

That's correct.

> Now, the question is, whether this particular inconsistency with p and
> other fds is useful enough to emulate it.

Probably is.  The other solution would be to inplement the >&digit-
syntax and have >&p duplicate, >&p- move the coprocess descriptor.  This
is consistent, but incompatible with ksh.  Since zsh is already not
compatible with ksh when creating coprocesses, this might be acceptable,
but this can greatly confuse people coming from ksh.

About the job table: ksh places the coprocess to the job table similarily
to zsh.  You can bring the coprocess to the foregroung with fg, which
does not makes much sense, but works.  You can save $! after coproc and
use kill to get rid of the coproc later.  In most cases kill %% works


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