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Re: How to trigger the death of zsh(3.0.5)

Verily did Mircea Damian write:

> 1)
>  I posted a while ago a message about the "disappearing zsh".
>  I'm still using zsh-3.0.5(the one which comes with slackware 3.5) and I
> found a way to trigger the death of zsh:
>  I'm doing a backward-i-search(Ctrl-r) for "ls"(without quotes) and
>  instead of pressing enter I'm hitting Ctrl-C(which is interrupt key for
>  my terminal) so he prompt for search is disappearing. Then it's enough
>  to type "ls", enter and the shell is dead.

> My machine is linux-2.0.33 on a ix86 architecture(P200) with slackware 3.5.

I can reproduce this bug on Solaris-2.6/sparc, SunOS 4.1.3_U1/sparc, and

> Here is the /etc/zprofile(which is linked to /etc/zshrc):


> setopt histignoredups histignorespace nobeep autocd autolist nonomatch append
>history nobgnice correctall histnostore listtypes

I removed my .zshenv (no other zsh files) and went through my configuration
line-by-line (option-by-option) to determine which one was consistently
killing off my shell.  I found:

: wst103:~; telnet localhost
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

SunOS 5.6

login: windsor
Last login: Thu Oct  8 13:47:59 from localhost
wst103% setopt prompt_subst
(C-r, ls, C-c)
wst103% ls
Connection closed by foreign host.

But I couldn't accurately reproduce the bug with your list of setopts, just
"prompt_subst" (which you don't have listed).

-- Rob
Internet: windsor@xxxxxxxxxxx
Life: Rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The weather is here, wish you were beautiful.

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