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Re: How to trigger the death of zsh(3.0.5)

> Ah.  There's really no way to fix that one.  Even in 3.1.4 where you can
> make your own new zle functions, support for using the digit-argument
> prefixes is not yet up to snuff.
> You can do `ESC - ESC 1 ESC .' to negate the digit, in which case zsh
> counts from the beginning.  You can even do `ESC - ESC 0 ESC .' to get
> the command name.
> Or you can do `! : x TAB' where x is the number of the word you want,
> e.g. !:2 for the second word.

I think that a temporary _ugly_ fix is to bind the keys for some exact
cases(5 or 6 arguments). This will "fix" their request... but I repeat it's

> Yes, change the value of the WORDCHARS variable.  I use
> 	WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~\!#$%^(){}<>'
> The only drawback is that it also affects transpose-words, which is
> sometimes not what you'd like.

It's just perfect. Thanks!

> More specifically than that, I can't tell.  If you type \Cv \C\My, what
> do you see?  If you see ^Y, then your alt or meta key isn't working,
> which could explain the beeping.

Something strange happens here.
If I type \Cv \C\My I only get the ESC character('^[') but the
lines(strace) bellow shows that it reads more when I press \C\My. The
behaviour is the same if I use xterm or linux console:

read(10, "\33", 1)                      = 1          //ESC
read(10, "\31", 1)                      = 1          //\Cy
select(11, [10], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)
read(10, "\26", 1)                      = 1          //\Cv
read(10, "\33", 1)                      = 1          //ESC
select(11, [10], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 1 (in [10], left {0, 0})
read(10, "\31", 1)                      = 1          //\Cy
select(11, [10], NULL, NULL, {0, 0})    = 0 (Timeout)
write(10, "^[", 2)                      = 2          //??! why only ^[

Thank you for your prompt answers!

Mircea Damian
Network Manager
dmircea@xxxxxxxxx, dmircea@xxxxxx, dmircea@xxxxxxxx
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