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Re: feature-request of double-tab-list

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> Way way back on Sep 19,  5:36pm, Rasmus Tengblad wrote:
> } Subject: feature-request of double-tab-list
> }
> } First i'd like to tell you that I really like zsh. Best shell there is!
> } However, there is one small thing I like better about bash, and that's the
> } double-tab-press or what ever you'd want to call it. It's sort of like zsh
> } with AUTO_LIST set, but with the exception that you have to press tab
> } twice before the list is displayed.
> OK, Sven, can we implement this using the new completion stuff?  What, if
> any, hooks are there for keeping track of the first vs. the second press
> of the completion key within the same completion?

Moved from zsh-workers to zsh-users.
This is what I have in my .zshrc:

# emulate bash

# do not automatically list ambiguous completion
# instead, use TAB as complete-word and TAB-TAB as list-choices
# redefine KEYTIMEOUT to be shorter to facilitate this
# for some reason I need to do bindkey ^I^I twice (?)
unsetopt AUTO_LIST
bindkey "^I^I" list-choices
bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete
bindkey "^I^I" list-choices

# do beep on ambiguous completion
setopt LIST_BEEP


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