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Re: completions for make targets?

>>>>> "Raju" == Raju K V <rajukv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> How can I use compctl to complate make targets?

Admittedly, my solution doesn't exploit compctl too much (maybe
because I had it for tcsh before and just adapted it), but it's
probably a bit fancier (in some respects) than many others:

    comp_make () {
    	local cmd args i where
    	read -Ac cmd; read -cn where
    	while [[ "$i" -lt "$#cmd" ]]; do
    	    if [[ "$cmd[$i]" = "-f" ]]; then
    		reply=("${(@f)$(~/libexec/complete/make.perl "$cmd[$[$i + 1]]" 2>/dev/null)}")
    		return 0;
    		((i += 1))
    	reply=("${(@f)$(~/libexec/complete/make.perl 2>/dev/null)}")
    compctl -x 'c[-1,-f]' -f -- + -Q -S '' -K comp_make + gmake make

now, you'll notice that this depends on a perl file that does the actual
target extraction.  The perl file is appended.


#!/usr/bin/env perl

# read all the var definitions into the "vars" hash-table
# and the target lines into the "targetlines" array
sub ReadFile {
    local($file) = @_;
    local($prevs) = ("");

    open(MAKEFILE, "<$file") || return;

    for (<MAKEFILE>) {
	$_ = $prevs . $_; $prevs = "";

	if (s/\\$//o ) {
	    $prevs = $_;
	} elsif (/^[- \t]*include[ \t]+([^ \t]+)/) {
	    push(@includes, $1);
	} elsif (/^[ \t]*([-a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)[ \t]*=(.*)$/o) {
	    $vars{$1} = $2;
	} elsif (/^((([-a-zA-Z0-9_ ][-a-zA-Z0-9_. ]*)|(\$\((([^()]+)|(\$\([^()]+\)))\)))+)[\t ]*:/o) {
	    push(@targetlines, $1);
    if ($file = pop(@includes)) {

# debugging: dump out the vars, their values and the targetlines
#print "**bindings**\n";
#@vars = keys(%vars);
#for (@vars) {
#    print "<$_> is <$vars{$_}>\n";
#print "**targets**\n";
#for (@targetlines) {
#    print "$_\n";

sub ExpandTargets {

    # look for potential targets (lines with a ":")
    for $targets (@targetlines) {
	# for each set of targets, look for variables to substitue
	while (($var) = $targets =~ /\$\( *([^()\$]*)\)/o ) {
#	    print "var =$var:   <$targets>  =>  <";
	    # first case: a simple macro
	    if ($tmpvar = $vars{$var}) {
		$var =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/\\$1/og; # quote var
		$targets =~ s/\$\( *$var\)/$tmpvar/g ;
	    #second case: a macro with simple substitution
	    } elsif (($var0, $s1, $s2) = $var =~ / *(.*):(.*)=(.*)/o) {
		if ($tmpvar = $vars{$var0}) {
		    $s1 =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/\\$1/og; # quote s1
		    $tmpvar =~ s/$s1/$s2/g ;
		    $s2 =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/\\$1/og; # quote s2
		    $var0 =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/\\$1/og; # quote var0
		    $targets =~ s/\$\( *$var0:$s1=$s2\)/$tmpvar/g ;
		} else {
		    $var0 =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/\\$1/og; # quote var0
		    $targets =~ s/\$\( *$var0:$s1=$s2\)//g ;
	    } else {
		$var =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/\\$1/og; # quote var
		$targets =~ s/\$\( *$var\)//g ;
#	    print "$targets>\n";
	$targets =~ s/:.*$//;	# removes anything after a :
	# split the "targets line" into an array of targets
	@targets = ($targets =~ /([^ ]+)/og );
	#put each target into a hash-table (to remove duplicates)
	for $target (@targets) {
	    $targets{$target} = true;

if ($#ARGV < 0) {
    if (-r "GNUmakefile") { $file = "GNUmakefile"; }
    elsif (-r "Makefile") { $file = "Makefile"; }
    elsif (-r "makefile") { $file = "makefile"; }
    else { $file = "/dev/null"; }
} else {
    $file = $ARGV[0];


# dump out the table of targets
for $target (keys(%targets)) { print "$target \n"; }
for $var (keys(%vars)) { print "$var=\n"; }

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