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vi-mode on linux?

Hi all --

Has anyone else experienced problems getting vi-mode
to work automatically on Linux?  I've set both EDITOR and 
VISUAL to 'vi' and tried different combinations of Linux/zsh 
versions, with no success:  

  Linux 2.0.36   (RedHat 5.2) and zsh 3.1.5
  Linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat 6.0) and zsh 3.0.5
  Linux 2.2.5-15 (RedHat 6.0) and zsh 3.1.5

I poked around and saw (via printf) that my env-settings
are being queried successfully and the "main" keymap
is indeed being set to vmap ("viins"), but somehow
it's getting overridden somewhere along the line.
Maybe it's a keycap/terminal issue, and the first time I
hit Esc I'm actually clobbering "viins" and entering
"emacs"?  ...but if I issue "bindkey -v" manually, 
everything works perfectly.

(Also, zsh/vi-mode works automatically on Solaris 5.5.1 
and Solaris 5.6 using zsh 3.1.5.)

Any ideas?

Thanks for your time,

Rand A. Bamberg                            rand@xxxxxxxx

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