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Re: Please help notorious "space"-mistyper

On Nov 14,  2:52pm, Jens Schleusener wrote:
} Subject: Please help notorious "space"-mistyper
} [...]  unfortunately nearly each second time I type (too fast)
}  cddirectory
} instead of
}  cd directory
} Can the power of zsh help me?

If you use

	setopt autocd

then you can leave off the "cd" entirely and just type


You could also try

	bindkey -s 'cd' '^Vcd '

but then you may find yourself needing to erase an extra space in other
unexpected places, like in the middle of the word "anecdote" (not that
you're ever particularly likely to type "anecdote" in the shell).

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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