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Re: PS1 corrupted through "su"


I have another question concering the prompt stuff:

My $prompt looks like this:
[%B%{^[[31m%}%?%{^[[0m%}%b] %U%n@%m%u:%40<..<%B%{^[[34m%}%/%{^[[0m%}%b %#"

The main point is that it puts something like "cb@df7cb:/home/cb" in
xterm's title bar.

I would like to have the name of the command currently executed included
there and $POSTEDIT seems the right place to put the escape sequences
needed; however $POSTEDIT does not evaulate variable, so I only get
"%n@%m:%/" as title.

How can I tell zsh to evaluate %- and $-expressions and which variable
contains the command being executed?

... Christoph

PS: It would be nice to have quoting for ESC (^[), ^J etc. (e.g. \012)
Christoph Berg <cb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Wohnheim D, Zi. 2405, Universität des Saarlandes

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