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Re: New user questions

Well thanks everyone for all the help.  Just about everything is working
sweetly (better than the old shell, actually).

Trolling through the magic commands in
/usr/share/zsh/3.1.6-dev-20/functions/Commands/ helped a lot.

A few more observations:

- The zshbuiltins manpage doesn't cover 'bindkey'

- History-search-backward could be improved.  In this example it is
bound to ESC:

prompt> echo foo
prompt> echo bar
prompt> echo f<ESC>

This will then match 'echo bar'.  Would be more sensible to match 'echo

- The _history-complete-older function does exactly what I wanted for
searching back through word history!

- _history-complete-older has a bug.  In this example it is bound to ^R:

prompt> echo aa "bb" cc
prompt> echo ^R			# OK, gives echo cc
prompt> echo ^R^R               # oops.  gives echo aa

It is skipping quoted words in its search.

- delete-char-or-list will list the matching files if at end-of-line. 

Question: How do I, within .zshrc, simply erase _all_ preexisting
bindings and start afresh?  I've tried everything.

pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -l
pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -D emacs vicmd viins
pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -l
pwold011:/home/morton> bindkey -D main
No such keymap `main'

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