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Q about new completion (how to create several match sets)

This goes to zsh-users as it may be of common interest. Bear in mind,
this refers to the current 3.1.6 version from CVS.

In current form _configure completes both --with-option
and --without-option in one shot. It means, that I always get at least
two matches and (in my settings) cursor is placed after --with so I have
to use additional keystroke to jump to the end of line.

Is it possible to _externally_ (without changing _configure and/or
_arguments, but with styles) configure completion system so, that I get
two set of matches - first all --with-* and then all --without-* and can
select either of them? This includes of course different status lines

Is it possible to set different completers for one command only?


Have a nice DOS!
B >>

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