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Re: Menu-completion for particular commands

On May 29, 10:35am, Sven Wischnowsky wrote:
} Subject: Re: Menu-completion for particular commands
} > > zsh% zstyle ':completion::complete:(g|)vim::default' menu true
} > This didn't work immediately.  ':completion:*:(g|)vim:*' did, though.
} Yep. The default tag is tested at the very beginning, when almost
} nothing of the context is set up.

In that case the discussion of `default' under doc for the `menu' style
is, at least, misleading.  Shouldn't it be removed from that paragraph
and discussed more genearally somewhere earlier?  (Perhaps lengthen the
explanation under "Standard Tags" a bit?)

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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