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Re: double-listing with completion?

On 14 June 2000, Matthew Lovell writes:
 > If I follow the example given in the User Guide,
 >  zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format 'Completing %d'
 >  zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
 > and then try "ls <complete>", I end up with a double-listing of
 > completions:
 > lovell@mblhome:~
 > % ls
 > Completing file
 > Chess  Desktop  Mail  Office50  autosave  axhome  bin  lale  misc
 > Completing file
 > Chess  Desktop  Mail  Office50  autosave  axhome  bin  lale  misc

Sorry to answer my own email...

Ah, I think it's being caused by another zstyle command (this one came
from the man pages)

  zstyle ':completion:*' file-patterns \
    '%p:globbed-files *(-/):directories' '*:all-files'

A somewhat odd interaction!  Generally, I liked that example a lot.
I've always wanted the ability to do something like

   gv path/down/to<complete>

and get completion for paths and then just get completion for *.ps at
the end.  Perhaps I can restrict that last zstyle to everything but
the ls command.


Matthew Lovell
HP Technical Solutions Lab

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