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Re: (forw) --help able programs and completion]

Matthias Kopfermann wrote:

> > Nowhere. compinstall is about configuration with styles (mostly).
> that's what i was thinking. Still it helps a beginning
> compstyle-user. perhaps something like that for the _complete_ functions?
> > We have a function to complete the options described by the `--help'
> > output, it's called `_use_lo'
> Hmm, a name that really does not explain anything, does it?
> So in order to use it one has to know it first :)

Yes. The one who wrote it probably should have documented it

I /think/ it wasn't me this time.

> On the other hand I am happy that I can use this function, thank
> you!

Pas de probleme...


P.S.: Hittfeld? *Das* Hittfeld? Ich hab' mal in Buchholz gewohnt
      (naja, in Holm-Seppensen)...

Sven Wischnowsky                         wischnow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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