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Re: ZLE Widget: Insert last word (except &)

On Jul 12,  6:38pm, Christoph Lange wrote:
} Subject: Re: ZLE Widget: Insert last word (except &)
} There is another bug in your version of smart-insert-last-word: repeated
} calls to it don't go back in the history.

Oops, I forgot about that behavior.

} Rather than doing the word
} splitting yourself, you should always call insert-last-word


The fiddling with NUMERIC below serves two purposes:  One, it passes the
same value to both up-history and down-history without having to pass an
argument to each.  Two, `zle WIDGET -n NUM' is broken for NUM > 9.

---- 8< ---- cut ---- 8< ----
# smart-insert-last-word
# Inspired by Christoph Lange <langec@xxxxxx> from zsh-users/3265;
# rewritten to correct multiple-call behavior after zsh-users/3270.
# This function as a ZLE widget can replace insert-last-word, like so:
#   zle -N insert-last-word smart-insert-last-word
# With a numeric prefix, behaves like insert-last-word, except that words
# in comments are ignored when interactive_comments is set.
# Otherwise, the rightmost "interesting" word from the previous command is
# found and inserted.  The default definition of "interesting" is that the
# word contains at least one alphabetic character, slash, or backslash.
# This definition can be overridden by use of a style like so:
#   zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:]/\\]*'
# For example, you might want to include words that contain spaces:
#   zstyle :insert-last-word match '*[[:alpha:][:space:]/\\]*'
# Or include numbers as long as the word is at least two characters long:
#   zstyle :insert-last-word match '*([[:digit:]]?|[[:alpha:]/\\])*'
# That causes redirections like "2>" to be included.
# Note also that the style is looked up based on the widget name, so you
# can bind this function to different widgets to use different patterns:
#   zle -N insert-last-assignment smart-insert-last-word
#   zstyle :insert-last-assignment match '[[:alpha:]][][[:alnum:]]#=*'
#   bindkey '\e=' insert-last-assignment

emulate -L zsh
setopt extendedglob

# Not strictly necessary:
# (($+_ilw_hist)) || integer -g _ilw_hist _ilw_count _ilw_cursor _ilw_lcursor

integer cursor=$CURSOR lcursor=$CURSOR
local lastcmd pattern numeric=$NUMERIC

# Save state for repeated calls
if (( HISTNO == _ilw_hist && cursor == _ilw_cursor )); then

zle up-history || return 1    # Retrieve previous command
lastcmd=( ${(z)BUFFER} )      # Split into shell words
zle down-history              # Return to current command
CURSOR=$cursor                # Restore cursor position
NUMERIC=${numeric:-1}         # In case of fall through

(( NUMERIC > $#lastcmd )) && return 1

if [[ -z "$numeric" ]]
    integer i=1
    zstyle -s :$WIDGET match pattern ||
    while ((i <= $#lastcmd)); do
	if [[ $lastcmd[-i] == $~pattern ]]; then
---- 8< ---- cut ---- 8< ----

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

Zsh: http://www.zsh.org | PHPerl Project: http://phperl.sourceforge.net   

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