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Re: TRAPNAL with TMOUT problem

On Aug 24,  9:27am, Paul Lew wrote:
> Subject: Re: TRAPNAL with TMOUT problem
> >>>>> "Bart" == Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Bart> host_owner () {
>     Bart>	setopt localoptions no_ksh_arrays
>     Bart>	local devhostent
>     Bart>	while read -A devhostent
>     Bart>	do
>     Bart>		if [[ $devhostent[1] == $HOST ]]
>     Bart>		then
>     Bart>			# howner in scope of caller!
>     Bart>			howner=$devhostent[4]
>     Bart>			return
>     Bart>		fi
>     Bart>	done < $ar/etc/devhost
>     Bart> }
> I tried this and the result is still the same.  Which part of these
> procedures touched the tty device?  Thanks..

I just ran through calling the above from TRAPALRM while watching zsh with
strace.  Unless there's an error (/etc/devhost not found or not readable are
pretty much the only possible ones), *nothing* touches the tty device.

If there's an error, it gets printed and then ZLE resets the tty modes
and redraws the prompt; it's the tty mode setting in that case that causes
the access time to change.

This on a RedHat Linux system; it could be different on another OS.

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