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Re: _tar -*Cf*?

On Nov 25,  5:43am, Calum Selkirk wrote:
} Looking at _tar i see:
} elif [[ ( CURRENT -gt 2 && "$words[CURRENT-1]" = -*Cf*) ||
}         ( CURRENT -eq 3 && "$words[2]" = *Cf* ) ]]; then
} I'm pretty new to zsh so forgive my ignorance, but shouldn't this be -C
} rather than -Cf to get commpletion on the --directory to change to?  

It should probably be *C*f*.  This came from zsh-workers/9094, in which
Clint wrote:
> This should handle -Cf now, but not -fC, which, of course, requires
> the positions of directory and tarfile to be reversed.

There are several other possible combinations that _tar doesn't handle
(including, say, -bf where a blocksize has to precede the file name).

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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