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Re: new completion modifications

> That trace doesn't look quite right ...
> AHA!  CVS has the answer.  You're using 3.1.9, and _mailboxes didn't find
> out that mutt knows about MH mailboxes until sometime after that.  You
> can either upgrade to 4.0.1-pre-2, or you can find the (*:mutt:*) case
> label in the _mua_mailboxes function in Completion/User/_mailboxes and
> add "${_mh_cache[@]}" to the array assignment.

OK - I copied _mailboxes to my zsh functions directory, and modified it 
to include mh_cache:

      mbox_names=( "${_mutt_cache[@]}" "${_mailbox_cache[@]}"
                   "${_maildir_cache[@]}" "${_mh_cache[@]}" )
      mbox_short=( \! \< \> );;

I then restarted zsh, and confirmed that it has the right definition for 
_mua_mailboxes.  I unset _mailbox_cache.

mutt -f +inb<tab>  still doesn't work.    Again the trace is pretty large,
so its at  http://mercea.net/~slipcon/misc/zsh25027mutt3

Thanks for all your help,

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