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architecture independent wordcode files (.zwc)


    We are using 4.0.1-pre-4 on solaris 2.6 and redhat 6.5 with a
    common user home directory.  Right now we have .zshenv compiled
    into .zshenv.zwc and .zshrc compiled into .zshrc.zwc on the
    solaris machine.  However, this does not work for the Linux.  I
    got zsh cored when reading the .zwc file for the wrong


    The emacs .elc files works on different endian machines.  Any plan
    to do the same with .zwc files?

    If not, what's your recommendation in my case?  I can simply
    remove all the .zwc files which is not desirable.  Or I can set
    ZDOTDIR from /etc/zshenv and have 2 sets of .zwc files, yuck!

Thanks in advance.

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