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vi editting troubles

Here are a couple of problems I've been having in the recent zsh's for
weeks, if not months.  Sorry for not reporting earlier, but here they are.

Neither `r' or `fc -e -' work, and give me this error.
fc: can't open temp file: bad address

Secondly, searching through my history fails as well.  This one's a
bit hard to describe, but it seems to be picking a work from the last
command without even waiting for me to input something to search for.
The binding looks normal:
"^[/" _history-complete-older
Another strange thing I notice when I turn on shell tracing is that my
TRAPZERR function runs in the middle of _history_complete_word -- is
there something I should be doing to avoid this?
+_history_complete_word:12> zstyle -s :completion::history-words stop stop
+TRAPZERR:0> eval echo "exit code 1"

Paul Ackersviller

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