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Re: dynamic completion like emacs (M-/)

>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Bart> On Sun, 29 Jul 2001, Paul Lew wrote:

    paul>> Is there a way to do dynamic completion like emacs (M-/) in
    paul>> zsh?  Wont this be a more generic solution to this problem?

    Bart> Yes, it's already bound to <ESC /> which is bothering some
    Bart> vi-mode users.

Which version is this binding added?  I could not find in both the
4.0.2 and the 4.1.0-dev-1.  I have tried both the emacs and vi mode
and the M-/ is bind to:

    "\M-/" self-insert

A note on dynamic completion key binding: In vim (Vi Improved), the
dynamic completion is available in the insert mode as c-p and c-n.
How about bind it to M-/ in emacs mode and c-p in vi insert mode?

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