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Re: Broken /etc/zshrc ?

Vincent Lefevre wrote:
The /etc/zshrc (system zshrc file) contains the following line:

source /etc/profile

But /etc/profile sets the path (I think this is OK). Thus, if a
user sets his path in his .zshenv, then this path is lost because
/etc/zshrc is sourced after the user's .zshenv file.

I don't know if the /etc/zshrc was provided when compiling and
installing zsh or provided by my Linux distribution (SuSE 7.2).
zsh does not install any startup files

Isn't this /etc/zshrc file broken? Shouldn't the /etc/profile
be sourced in the /etc/zshenv (which doesn't exist here)?

/etc/profile should be sourced in /etc/zprofile if at all. 
Irrespectively, unconditional setting of PATH is always bad - PATH may 
be already preset to some reasonable value.

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