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Re: creating associative arrays

> There's not much that can go wrong there, if filename is set to array.txt
> and that contains an even number of words.  Are you sure it is and does?

Yes to both.  I am using zsh 4.0.4, and I can reproduce this by simply
putting key<TAB>value into array.txt.  (The same happens on 3.1.6 and
with the stock 4.0.1pre3 on SuSE 7.2.)

The options set are the following (even though they do not seem to be
autocd nobeep nobgnice completeinword correct cshnullglob extendedglob
histexpiredupsfirst histignoredups histignorespace histnostore
histverify nohup ignoreeof interactive login longlistjobs nonotify

Can anybody reproduce this?


Akos Szalkai <szalkai@xxxxx>
IT Consultant
2F 2000 Szamitastechnikai es Szolgaltato Kft.
Tel: (+36-1)-4887700  Fax: (+36-1)-4887709  WWW: http://www.2f.hu/

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