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Re: problem with named directories over the net

On Jan 11,  2:41pm, Zefram wrote:
} Subject: Re: problem with named directories over the net
} Dominik Vogt wrote:
} >"/home/luthien" is written as "~",
} >not "/net/server/share/home/luthien".
} What difference does the option CHASE_LINKS make for you?

I just tried that, and it makes neither one be written as tilde, unless
you also reassign HOME to refer to the chased path, in which case it
makes both be rewritten as tilde.

So something like

    setopt CHASE_LINKS
    cd $HOME
    export HOME=$PWD

should produce the desired effect, although CHASE_LINKS might have some
other side effects you don't like.

I seem to recall that some flavors of automounter don't work right when
you refer to a file by its real automount path and not via the automount

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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