Bo Thorsen wrote:
Hi all,
I'm just giving zsh yet another try, but my biggest beef with it is still
cd ..<tab>
doesn't expand to ../ which is quite annoying on a danish keyboard. Tab is
easily hit but / is shift+7. Small issue, but when something's annoying, it
only grows worse.
I have searched the web and the manual without finding this. I expect there
is some way of setting up completion to this, but I haven't figured it out
I assume you're using the new completion system, i.e., you call
autoload -U compinit
in any of the init files.
Then you can just do:
zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs ..
to make `..' be considered a possible match (and hence it will get the
slash appended).
Is there a way to make this work properly with setopt GLOB_DOTS?