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Re: ssh completion problem

Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm sure I'm missing some obvious reason why the my-accounts tag
> can't
> be used in the tag-order style.  It seems to work for the user part
> of
> the completion, though; just not for the host part.  What's up?

The my-accounts tag is only used when _combination looks up the
users-hosts style and not ever with _tags (users, hosts etc are used
there) so it can't be used with tag-order.

There are a number of things about _combination that I'm not entirely
happy with. I have ideas and some semi-working code that I'll hopefully
get around to finishing sometime.

I'll pass on the main part of your question until I've had a chance to
play with a running zsh.


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