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Re: vim-a-like vi mode status bar


Ian Lynagh wrote [020216 18:28]:
> Hi all
> I have thought it would be nice to have a vim-a-like indicator of
> whether or not you are insert or command mode when using the vi line
> editting mode for a long time now. In a burst of enthusiasm I have put
> something together over the last couple of days (attached). However it's
> not quite as nice as it might have been and I have run into a few
> annoyances along the way.

Well, I use something similar. Of course, I have a multiline
prompt, so what I have here might work for you, but it might need
some adjustment - the escape sequences for moving the cursor
might not work for your type of terminal...


 Thomas Köhler Email:   jean-luc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     | LCARS - Linux
     <><        WWW:     http://jeanluc-picard.de      | for Computers
                IRC:             jeanluc               | on All Real
               PGP public key available from Homepage! | Starships
# vi keybindings
bindkey -v

bindkey -M vicmd "^R" redo
bindkey -M vicmd "u" undo
bindkey -M vicmd "ga" what-cursor-position

unsetopt promptcr

redisplay() {
   builtin zle .redisplay
   ( true ; show_mode "INSERT") &!
redisplay2() {
   builtin zle .redisplay
   (true ; show_mode "NORMAL") &!
zle -N redisplay
zle -N redisplay2
bindkey -M viins "^X^R" redisplay
bindkey -M vicmd "^X^R" redisplay2

screenclear () {
   echo -n "\033[2J\033[400H"
   builtin zle .redisplay
   (true ; show_mode "INSERT") &!
zle -N screenclear
bindkey "" screenclear

screenclearx () {
   repeat 2 print 
   highlight $MYLINE
   repeat 4 print 
   builtin zle redisplay
zle -N screenclearx
bindkey "^Xl" screenclearx

show_mode() {
   local COL
   local x
   x=$(echo $PREBUFFER | wc -l )
   echo -n "7[$x;A"
   echo -n ""
   echo -n "--$1--"
   echo -n "8"

zmodload zsh/parameter

###       vi-add-eol (unbound) (A) (unbound)
###              Move  to the end of the line and enter insert mode.

vi-add-eol() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-add-eol
zle -N vi-add-eol
bindkey -M vicmd "A" vi-add-eol

###       vi-add-next (unbound) (a) (unbound)
###              Enter insert mode after the  current  cursor  posi­
###              tion, without changing lines.
vi-add-next() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-add-next
   # bindkey -M viins "" vi-cmd-mode-a
zle -N vi-add-next
bindkey -M vicmd "a" vi-add-next

###       vi-change (unbound) (c) (unbound)
###              Read a movement command from the keyboard, and kill
###              from  the  cursor  position  to the endpoint of the
###              movement.  Then enter insert mode.  If the  command
###              is vi-change, change the current line.

vi-change() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-change
zle -N vi-change
bindkey -M vicmd "c" vi-change

###       vi-change-eol (unbound) (C) (unbound)
###              Kill  to the end of the line and enter insert mode.

vi-change-eol() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-change-eol
zle -N vi-change-eol
bindkey -M vicmd "C" vi-change-eol

###       vi-change-whole-line (unbound) (S) (unbound)
###              Kill the current line and enter insert mode.

vi-change-whole-line() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-change-whole-line
zle -N vi-change-whole-line
bindkey -M vicmd "S" vi-change-whole-line

###       vi-insert (unbound) (i) (unbound)
###              Enter insert mode.

vi-insert() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-insert
zle -N vi-insert
bindkey -M vicmd "i" vi-insert

###       vi-insert-bol (unbound) (I) (unbound)
###              Move to the first non-blank character on  the  line
###              and enter insert mode.

vi-insert-bol() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-insert-bol
zle -N vi-insert-bol
bindkey -M vicmd "I" vi-insert-bol

###       vi-open-line-above (unbound) (O) (unbound)
###              Open a line above the cursor and enter insert mode.

vi-open-line-above() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-open-line-above
zle -N vi-open-line-above
bindkey -M vicmd "O" vi-open-line-above

###       vi-open-line-below (unbound) (o) (unbound)
###              Open a line below the cursor and enter insert mode.

vi-open-line-below() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-open-line-below
zle -N vi-open-line-below
bindkey -M vicmd "o" vi-open-line-below

###       vi-substitute (unbound) (s) (unbound)
###              Substitute the next character(s).

vi-substitute() {
   show_mode "INSERT"
   builtin zle .vi-substitute
zle -N vi-substitute
bindkey -M vicmd "s" vi-substitute

###       vi-replace (unbound) (R) (unbound)
###              Enter overwrite mode.

vi-replace() {
   show_mode "REPLACE"
   builtin zle .vi-replace
zle -N vi-replace
bindkey -M vicmd "R" vi-replace

###       vi-cmd-mode (^X^V) (unbound) (^[)
###              Enter  command  mode;  that  is, select the `vicmd'
###              keymap.  Yes, this is bound  by  default  in  emacs
###              mode.

vi-cmd-mode() {
   show_mode "NORMAL"
   builtin zle .vi-cmd-mode
zle -N vi-cmd-mode
bindkey -M viins "" vi-cmd-mode

###       vi-oper-swap-case
###              Read a movement command from the keyboard, and swap
###              the case of all characters from the cursor position
###              to the endpoint of the movement.  If  the  movement
###              command  is vi-oper-swap-case, swap the case of all
###              characters on the current line.

bindkey -M vicmd "g~" vi-oper-swap-case

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