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Preexec & Printf

I have a pretty generic problem, but I can't seem to make my way around
it. Here is an example of what is happening:

[(ichirou:151:pts/15)~ %] which preexec
preexec () {
        print -Pn "\e]0;%m:%l   -   $* \a"
[(ichirou:152:pts/15)~ %] printf '^[[32;40mwith quotes\n'
[32;40mwith quotes
' with quotes
[(ichirou:153:pts/15)~ %] unfunction preexec
[(ichirou:154:pts/15)~ %] printf '^[[32;40mwith quotes\n'
with quotes
[(ichirou:155:pts/15)~ %] 

For echo, print, and printf, my '' is getting passed (straight quote)
into preexec and erroring back out into my shell. I can't seem to get
around the quotes that are passed into preexec. This doesn't happen in
dtterm for some reason, not sure why. 
Any help that could be given would be nice.

System Information:
SunOS ichirou 5.8 Generic_108528-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-30
$ZSH_VERSION = 3.1.9

thx in advance

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