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Re: completion colors differ on BSD/Linux

>>>>> "Jukka" == Jukka Lehti <jukkalehti@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

Jukka> Hi, I have in my ~/.zshrc following line:

Jukka> zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors "${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}"

Jukka> On a Linux, completion colors match nicely to colors of GNU
Jukka> ls. But on *BSD, directories are red and tar/gz are
Jukka> uncolored. Sym links and executables same as on Linux. On Linux
Jukka> LS_COLORS has tons of definitions, on *BSD it is
Jukka> empty. Replacing "${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}" with '' doesn't help. The
Jukka> problem exists on xterm and on console.

Jukka> Any ideas what's going on here?

Try putting

eval `dircolors`

in your .zshrc

use Inline C => qq{void p(char*g){
printf("Just Another %s Hacker\n",g);}};p("Perl");

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