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RE: What is the zsh equivalent of csh's set echo?

Actually, I figured out my problem. I got burned by the
zsh not splitting parameter substitutions into multiple
words. I had a flag/value pair stored in a variable, like
FOO='-flag value' and was trying to run a program named
proto89 by doing something like 

proto89 $FOO.

WRONG! This does NOT work in the zsh. The zsh does not give
command proto89 2 arguments but only 1! That is, zsh does NOT
give the command proto89 the 2 arguments "-flag" and "value"
but only 1 argument "-flag value". proto89 does not report
this problem but simply ignores it, hence my problem. Note

echo proto89 $FOO

does not reveal the problem because the user will clearly see
the words "-flag" and "value" separated but does not know that
zsh is giving them to the command as 1 argument.

This "feature" of zsh should be better known. I've used the zsh
for like 8 years and never stumbled (staggered) across this 
problem before.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hall Jeffrey S NPRI [mailto:HallJS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 3:44 PM
To: zsh-users@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: What is the zsh equivalent of csh's set echo?

Dear zsh users,
    I am trying to debug a zsh script. I want to know what zsh command makes zsh behave like csh does with the set echo command: write out every command after the shell has fully expanded it, right before it is executed. I read the zshall man page but did not find what I was looking for. Thanks.

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