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complete all "cvs add" matches


Let's say I have 3 files in a cvs repository that I want to "cvs add",
so I type:

% cvs add <TAB>

Since I have activated cvs completion, zsh offers to "add" only these 3
files, which appear under my command line.

How can I get these 3 file names on the command line? Right now I press
<TAB> again to insert the first match and have to "cvs add" once for
each file.

I have looked in zsh-doc (debian unstable) section 17.6.5 without
finding the magic key combination that would _all_ desired completion
matches on the command line.


    PHEDRE: Vivons, si vers la vie on peut me ramener,
            Et si l'amour d'un fils en ce moment funeste
            De mes faibles esprits peut ranimer le reste.
                                          (Phèdre, J-B Racine, acte 1, scène 5)

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