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Dynamically adding to $mailpath?


Should this; 

  typeset -a mailpath
  for i in ~/mail/*.spool; do 
    set $mailpath[$#mailpath+1]="${i}?You have new mail in $(basename $i .spool)."; 

have worked? I got around it by using $MAILPATH, but 

  zsh: /home/hcksplat/mail/X.spool?You have new mail in X. not found

doesn't seem right to me. ZSH_VERSION=4.0.4, setopt gives nobeep,
correct, noglobalrcs, histignoredups, histignorespace, interactive,
monitor, shinstdin.


	Aidan Kehoe
It's time to put on makeup/It's time to dress up right,
It's time to raise the curtain on the Muppet Show tonight,

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