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Remote scp completion that can handle spaces etc. in pathnames


Let's say that there is a directory "foo bar" on host baz.  If I
try to copy it recursively with scp from baz to the current host, I
have to say ``scp -r baz:foo\\\ bar .''  That is, I need to
"double quote".  However, if I use zsh's completion to get me that
directory, i.e. I write ``scp -r baz:fo<tab>'', I get
``scp -r baz:foo\ bar/'', which does not work.

I use openssh 3.4p1 and zsh 4.0.4 on Debian GNU/Linux woody.  Is
this handled differently in a later (stable or development) version
and/or would this be easy to fix locally?

I also note that pathnames in remote commands are not completed
remotely, i.e. if I write ``ssh somehost ls f<tab>'', zsh completes
local filesystem entries beginning with f.  I wonder if this could
be smarter as well.

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