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Re: ~/.zshenv or ~/.zprofile

* Dan Nelson <dnelson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [Aug, 04 2003 12:40]:
> zshenv is the only script sourced by cron jobs, so I put PATH and shell
> functions I might use in scripts in there.  BTW - do this so you don't
> override an existing PATH:
> path=(/usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /sbin /usr/sbin /bin /usr/bin $path)
> typeset -U PATH # remove duplicate entries
yes, but that's not the issue here.  i wan't a restricted path, that's
why i modify $PATH.

::: name: Nikolai Weibull    :: aliases: pcp / lone-star       :::
::: born: Chicago, IL USA    :: loc atm: Gothenburg, Sweden    :::
::: page: www.pcppopper.org  :: fun atm: gf,lps,ruby,php,war3  :::

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